Faith is a good thing to have, but do not tempt fate, say touch wood and hope the force would be with you
Return of the Jedei "Stars and wars, Star war"..
Accident is the manifestation of an unplanned event with adverse consequence which could be damage to property or injury to an individual or a group.
The unplanned event would be the accident, though some are foreseen and should be avoided, after all being told not to sweep at night is just because you may end up sweeping something valuable away, since your visibility is poor in the dark.
Risk is the likelihood and severity of an unplanned even manifesting with unfavorable consequences. Below are a series of scenarios which serves to ask the question
"Can you not see it coming, seriously"
1. Unstable platform, with a high risk (Likelihood) of the structure loosing its integrity and the individual falling from height, with a risk of injuries including breaking of bones (Severity)
2. Evaluating current control measure: The control measure here, being the second party holding on to the ladder is not enough to prevent the ladder from falling, looking at the height such a fall, will definitely be disastrous
3. BLEVE: Boiling, Liquid, Evaporation, Vapour, Explosion
There is a high risk of an explosion from the cylinders, due to the amount of heat being exerted onto the cylinder, with the supply of naked fire, such an explosion is likely to engulf the whole area, with a high risk of fatality to the individual working and any others near by
4. High risk of fatality should the break on the train fail, it would be a traumatic one to witness, sleeping so close to death's door, is like teasing a hungry dog with fresh meat.
Rolling on, rolling down, rolling over..
Choo choo,choo choo
Down the closed casket road
Where funeral bells ring loud
And families cries the chorus song
Ooops, ooops, ooops
5. Power sometimes, brings about arrogance and sounds that are supposed to be made from the back side should only becoming outwards not shooting inwards, "I pity the fool" as Mr T would say
6. Do not stick your head in the sand, when it comes to health and safety, worse is do not dig your on hole, and stick your head in, testing fate.
As always;
- Carry out a risk assessment
- Identity significant risk
- Build in adequate control measures
- Review the control measures to ensure integrity of systems
- Think health and safety at all times
- It is your legal responsibility
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